Friday, February 25, 2011


D-NOW was about Pray, Seek, Ask (PSA). We had a great time! We had awesome food (thank you Mom and Dad). We learned a lot about prayer, and how to seek God and how we can act on what God wants us to do.
It started on Friday night, we had worship and our big all together Bible study. Then we went to our host homes and did a smaller Bible study there.
On Saturday we did a Bible study at the homes and then went to church and had breakfast. We had worship and big all together Bible study. Then we went on a scavenger hunt, that was very interesting. We came back and ate lunch and then went on to our service project.
For are service project we went and raked leaves at the Methodist Children's home.
On Sunday we went to Rock Hill Baptist Church, which is where some of the youth that attended D-Now go. We had our last Bible study and then went to chruch. We had a lot of fun all weekend long!
Here are some photos for you:

form left to right
Whittney, me, Lee Catherine, Morgan, and Jessica

Lee Catherine and Emmalyn

Whittney, me, Morgan, and Jessica

Lexi, Tiffany, Blain, Lee Cathrine, Mogan and me

me and Lee Catherine


Our group

Every body that came to D-NOW

I hope you had fun reading about our weekend

1 comment:

  1. Glad that you liked DNOW. Sammy loved going to DNOW and she got so much out of it.
